Information and registration for Country Coordinators and Deputy Country Coordinators


The GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Regional Meeting and Training will take place at the HOTEL ISLANDE in Riga, the capital of Latvia.
The currency used in Latvia is Euro. Card payments are available almost everywhere in the country.


For all participants who are eligible for support from GIO (GLOBE Country Coordinators and Deputy CCs) registered before July 20th hotel rooms at the Hotel Islande in Riga will be booked by GLOBE Regional Office based on the preference (single or double room) provided at the online registration.

Prices guaranteed in Hotel Islande for the GLOBE group

  • Single room 42 EUR/room including breakfast
  • Double room. 42 EUR/room including breakfast

Tourist tax might be charged extra.

GLOBE Regional Meeting venue

How to get to Riga

In line with the Green event, please, consider the type of transportation with low impact on the environment from your home to Riga.

By plane
Riga airport is well connected with other European cities. When buying the air ticket, make sure that the ticket will allow you to get refunded in case you cannot fly due to medical reasons.

By train or bus
Riga is well accessible by international bus operators.

For details see the page Getting to and around Riga.


Participation fee


Please note that travel from/to the airport is not included.

Guidelines for financial support – for CCs and DCCs only

The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) is kindly providing financial assistance of up to $1,000 USD of funding to be used for each country that sent Country Report for 2022 and completed GLOBE Annual Survey for 2022.The applicant(s) for support should be:

  1. Country Coordinator;
  2. if Country Coordinator cannot come: assistant/deputy CC;
  3. if both cannot come: government point of contact.

If a Country Coordinator wants to nominate another person to take his/her place at the GLOBE Regional Meeting for Europe and Eurasia, the person has to be listed on the country’s webpage in the website.

Eligible costs include:

  • Travel costs: air ticket/ train ticket / bus ticket – international connections (no taxi and local transport eligible)
  • Food served during the event: lunch; working dinner on Monday and Wednesday
  • Accommodation at the event – 5 nights max.
  • Participation fee.

For detailed information download Guidelines for Financial Support.


Check the Covid restrictions before you go

Currently, there are no restrictions on coming to Latvia. However, it is your own responsibility to check the updated information before you start travelling, as the Covid situation may change.